Raised in Santiago, Chile; Los Angeles, CA; and La Madera, New Mexico, I am currently based in Valparaíso after a year of living on the road and traveling across Turtle Island. I am a divinatory, documentary poet and filmmaker interested in the permeable edges of research practices, often mixing mediums and languages.

she, ella, ellx/e, they
cv  ︎ ︎ nico [@] velapage [.] com

support me and get updates about my work: https://drafts.nicovela.page/

a poetics

I am a divinatory, devotional, documentary poet and filmmaker, which to me means that I work rooted in a variety of research practices— from family and personal history, to interventions in and with archival materials, ritual investigations and investigation rituals, to the stories of others I've had the chance to record. I am also [chilean, gringx, trans, non-binary, femme, neurodivergent, ]

I work in the permeable edges (interstices? betweens? borderlands?) of gender, language, place, research, often mixing mediums, transing all of the above ("an underlying grammar of transness," Taylor Johnson once said to me). Poetry is knowledge, already and in creation, a form of discovery and experimental method. It is important to me to think and make in public and in community, so that I can learn with others and be held accountable for that learning (writing), knowing I will make mistakes and do my best to make up for them. Teillier dice que "difícilmente uno tiene más de un poema que escribir en su vida.”

<3  nico vela page  2023

Porch is a place
on the edge — of out
side — near the house
touching but between
door and threshold — to high
desert (so we call this semiarid
shrubland — piñon —
junipers and shabby cacti).
Even the ecosystem
indecisive and between. Porch

a way to neither here
nor there. Porch —
doesn’t much care
about shelter. Won’t
leave you — all alone
either — you can be less
or more home
or away
on porch.
Not a very busy
place. Porch is an inside

out beside the house:
the huerto — cold
frame for basil, oregano,
tomatoes, chiles — kitchen
garden beside the brick
porch beside the house
and half under the roof
going long
beyond the walls. I want

the way porch is between.

— from Americón, my debut book of poems